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Bissau Ship Chandler

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Bissau Ship Chandler

Bissau Ship Chandler

Bissau Ship Chandler dedicate our services to supply to vessels that arrive principally in Bissau Port – Guinea, Bissau Ship Chandler focus our service in the coverture of different vessel & crew needings in our port and different ports near by too.

Bissau Ship Chandler Mission, give a service in the right time, in a effective way and giving a answer to the vessel demand that arrive to our port and near by ports too, covering their fresh provision, technical or other logistic services requested.

Bissau Ship Chandler Mission, to becomes in the leader North’s company of our country in requirement’s supply, get a possition as the best alternative for vessels, charters and agency companies. To becomes in the national correct option, in order to trust their requirements.

Bissau Ship Chandler Fresh Provision Supplier, follow to strict and high internal quality protocol in order to vessel’s needings before delivery, as a Supplier Company, our most important matter, is our understanding that fresh provision requirement, is requested by persons that wants the most freshest fruit and vegetables and in half – ripe condition for sailing too.

Bissau Ship Chandler Bonded Store Suppliers, are the leader in the their commercial areas, having the lowest prices of the port and installed in a highest position’s ranking of the lowest prices’ shops of the ports around.

Via Bissau Ship Chandler; u can find all concerned vessel mantenence’s item, it can be from bridge office’s items to the emergency life-boat items for mantence, since A4 paper to batteries with exacts measurement for installation in small places or items for cargo holds cleaning.

Ship Chandler Bissau is available and ready for reacction 24 Hours and 7 days on the week with a prefessional crew & personnal assistance for any kind of requirements.

Ship Chandler Bissau principal operations’ office, allow us get one of the best position zone, getting fast reactions in vessel’s requirements.

All kind supply need you can 7/24 contact with us : [email protected]