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Dakar Ship Chandler

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Dakar Ship Chandler

Dakar Ship Chandler

Dakar Ship Chandler know you can choose from suppliers anywhere in the world. Why choose Dakar Ship Chandler?

Because at Dakar Ship Chandler understand the challenges faced everyday by Dakar Ship Chandler customers. Dakar Ship Chandler understand the importance of on-time deliveries, supplying only the freshest, best quality provisions, and having the items you need available at all times. At Dakar; Dakar Ship Chandler care about the mariners Dakar Ship Chandler so proudly serve!

Dakar Ship Chandler are committed to offering individualized, professional service to every vessel. Dakar Ship Chandler only business is the business of ship supply.

Once you work with us you will understand the Dakar Ship Chandler difference. Integrity, courtesy, care, and professionalism, are what you can expect every time!

Dakar Ship Chandler

Dakar Ship Chandler is a General Ship Supplier in the ports of Dakar Port port. Dakar Ship Chandler would like to introduce ourselves and give you a brief outline of ours organizations.

Ours professional staffs belong to a family team with more than one hundred years in maritime business in Dakar.

The company principal activities are to deliver goods and services to customers in the maritime supplying. Dakar Ship Chandler cater to attend all Vessels called our area range, as General Cargo, full containers and Tankers Vessel´s. Dakar Ship Chandler supply with a good quality of products for get your best satisfaction as being as: Provisions, Bonded Stores, Deck, Engine, Electrical, Electronics, Cabin, Life Saving Apparatus, Food Supplies and Nautical Charts.

Along the years Dakar Ship Chandler have established a world-wide reputation through our skillfulness and dedication to our task leading us to a stead growth together with all our customers.

“Dakar Ship Chandler” has the professional & well trained work force supplying. Dakar Ship Chandler have our own warehouse facilities, which include, Cold Store. Dakar Ship Chandler´re equipped to attend any kind of sea faring vessels calling at Dakar terminal and region.

Kindly contact with us before or after arrived your vessel to Dakar port : [email protected]